How To Login To Your First Midwest Bank Account

Step Description
1.  In the URL bar type in

2. Go to First Midwest Bank Homepage and find the login area located on the upper right side of the page. Enter Your User ID then click Sign In.

3. If you Forgot User ID  – click on the link “Forgot your user ID?”.

4. You’ll be directed to another page where you must enter the required information such as:

-Account type
-Account number
-First name
-Last name
-Social Security Number

Then Click Continue.

How To Apply For A New Account With First Midwest Bank

Step Description
1. On the same login area as shown above, (homepage) find the link that says “Enroll in Online Banking” and click on it.

2. You’ll be directed to another page where you must read, understood and agreed to the Electronic Consent and the Consumer Online Banking Service Agreement. Then Click Continue.

3. You’ll be directed to another page where you must enter the required information such as:

-First Name
-Last Name
-Social Security Number
-Confirm Social Security Number
-E-mail Address
-Confirm E-mail Address
-Authorized Caller
-Last 4 Digits of Card Number
-Confirm PIN

Then Click Continue.

4. Visit the branch location nearest you and a Banking Center Manager can assist you in choosing an account ideally suited to the way you do business.